Fiber Club* was founded in October 2022 by fine artist and arts administrator Katie Shulman as a response to an expressed need among creative practitioners in southeast Michigan to organize around a shared interest in advancing fiber art processes and practices. Since its founding, the group has already seen enthusiastic adoption, notable growth, and encouragement from the greater arts community.

In 2023, Fiber Club* achieved several milestones:

  • Connected 200+ fiber artists in SE Michigan

  • Received first grant from CultureSource

  • Produced inaugural group exhibition during Detroit Month of Design

Involvement in Fiber Club* is based on individual interest and availability. Monthly gatherings are open to all practicing fiber artists, or those curious about or passionate for fiber- and textile-based practices.

For those interested in getting further involved and creating opportunities for the group-at-large, small groups operate to plan, develop and support programming, professional development, shows and exhibitions, and more.